

Liza Burney of Heart to Heart Healing gave me a Pranic Healing session after my very special horse’s death. After Liza and I discussed some of my concerns and goals, she gave an amazing session including cleaning out meridians. I had been fighting off a cold. I can tell that things have really shifted and I oddly feel lighter. I highly recommend to anyone who is looking for something to treat themselves with a professional Pranic Healing session is better than chocolate and pizza in my book.

F.S., Eugene, OR

What Pranic Healing has done for me in such a very short time is amazing. My fear of cantering my own horse was becoming debilitating in my mind. I was always afraid my horse would spook, take off while being on a trail ride and I would not be able to handle it.  Since going to see Liza, she has performed three sessions for me.  In learning how it works, I have found that my issue went a bit deeper than just cantering my horse. It actually was in my confidence of being alone with my horse while cantering. Having learned that, I have been able to canter my horse alone for the first time on Oct 17, 2010.

The best part about this is that I am learning that Liza was right in saying that once you start, this rolls into other areas of your life. I greatly appreciate the edification Liza has provided. I am a firm believer that ever thing happens for a reason.

L.B., Beaverton, OR

I wanted you to know how wonderful I am feeling after my very first treatment. I went to see my horse directly afterwards. He let me rub and clean his ears (which hadn’t been done in a long time) and he loved it. There was a lot of bonding and I was able to sit still and quiet. He even he came over and nuzzled me and we exchanged breaths.

When I got home, my dog was quite calm compared to normal. It’s obvious we’ve been feeding off each others energy. The miracle is I didn’t hate him anymore. Around 11 PM I felt tired, went to bed and I SLEPT all night without the pills. YAHOO!!

I still am taking in everything that you did yesterday but all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you. I am very interested in taking one of your classes in addition to hosting a Horse Intro at a friend’s barn.

A.S., Tigard, OR

Kola is a 15 year old paint gelding. He was diagnosed, by his vet, with degenerative joint disease in his right stifle. He also has other joint issues that make it hard for him to tolerate a hoof trim.  This week I spent a few minutes cleaning his joints using Pranic Healing across and down his right hip and leg.  Today the horse shoer started on the front, said he was super excited to see the great hoof growth and went to the right hind.  As usual, Kola positioned himself for the difficult job of holding up the right hind.  He usually lowers his head, spreads his front legs, and braces tightly just counting the seconds until he is done.  Today I did Pranic Healing while Justin trimmed the foot.  As he set the foot down I quickly did a little more Pranic Healing on that area in to ease the discomfort.  Kola did great, he was still a little uncomfortable, but didn’t have the same pained look and was quicker to put weight back on the right hind.  It was also great to hear that the right hind had almost the same hoof growth as the left. Which was not the case the last few trims.

J.A., Eugene, OR, Level I graduate

I used Pranic healing last week in an emergency situation.   We have a 20 yr old feral cat, “Grayson,” who sleeps on our sunporch.  He is slightly deaf, snores and is a tough minded former tom.  (I tried trapping him for 8 years!)   Once neutered, he figured out the cat door and has enjoyed regular meals and a cat bed for the last 3 yrs.

Something attacked him and he was seriously injured.  No way to catch him or touch him so I tried the distance healing that we learned in the Level I class.  No surprise to you, but it worked.  I did 3 sessions the first day to stop the bleeding.  Then I did two sessions each the next two days.

His breathing would become deeper at the end of each session so I knew there was progress.  I could feel the congestion along his right shoulder, ribs, leg and later confirmed the wounds with the binoculars.  He is looking better, eating again and resting quietly.

The other thing I thought was to do a space clearing in and around the sunporch.  It turns out the violence was just outside on the back deck leading to the cat door.  Both cats are now using the door again.   While it was easy to self-doubt my abilities since time has gone by since that wonderful Level I class weekend, the treatments went well and I felt fairly confident due to all the practice during the class.

K.L., North Plains, OR (Level I graduate)