Posted on March 17, 2014 by Liza Burney
Doshin is a German Shepherd dog came to this small Buddhist temple when he was 8. In May 2009, Doshin suddenly began to drag his left back leg. The Vet determined he had a neurological problem. I turned to Liza Burney and the energy work that she does. Now 7 months later, through her healing efforts, Doshin is a different dog. Over these many months under her care he has regained a good deal of the use of his back leg. Last summer, he began to show an interest in romping with some of his doggie friends and that has continued to be a joy for him. I have noticed his energy and stability continue to increase over the months. In December 2009, he literally ran and played for almost an hour.
Up until about November 2009, Doshin still had a difficult time getting into the car, but now he pops in and out and I have even seen him jump into the back of a pick up truck. (I would prefer he not do this though). He continues to go up and down stairs and gets better at it as time goes by. He has even gently jumped up on me a time or two when he gets excited and has not fallen down. Six months ago, before he knew he could not do that, he would leap up and his leg would give out on him.
Doshin has taken on a brightness that was not there in the beginning. Initially he would not approach anyone. Recently he has started to warm up to the people who come here, approaching them quietly, sniffing and letting them pet him. He has allowed himself to be apart of what we do. Recently I had a young woman come to visit who had met Doshin last summer, and when she was around him for only a few moments in December she said this is a different dog. She had never seen a dog make such a change in his demeanor and simply in the way he interacted with every one.
Category: physical healing, treatments (front tabs) Tags:
When I first took my horse to a local Equestrian Center, he would walk anywhere on the property, except near the hot-walker. To him, it must have seemed like a horse-eating monster, he was so reactive and avoiding it at all costs. The complication was that the hot-walker is located right by the entrance to the indoor arena. So we had to do something. He received Pranic Healing for emotional healing, focusing on fear. To my great delight, the next time we were on location, we actually walked calmly past the hot-walker no… Read more
My horse colicked last Friday. It was an intense few days with loads of Pranic Healing. I was super grateful for my recent Level 1 Pranic Healing training. It gave me the confidence to focus on protocols for constipation and abdominal pain. It was very stressful for me because he wasn’t pooping for almost three days, but I finally got him turned around and we are slowly starting him back on his normal feeding routine.
Fitzgerald, my 31 year old appaloosa hunter/jumper (retired), had to have his eye surgically removed at the vet school due to complications from uveitis and a corneal ulcer. When he came home, he just stood with his head in the corner of the stall, and had stopped eating and drinking. He had passed a minimal amount of dry manure overnight. He seemed depressed. I was concerned about potential issues with colic. Having had some good experiences of pain relief from Pranic Healing myself, I asked Liza to do some dist… Read more
Doshin is a German Shepherd dog came to this small Buddhist temple when he was 8. In May 2009, Doshin suddenly began to drag his left back leg. The Vet determined he had a neurological problem. I turned to Liza Burney and the energy work that she does. Now 7 months later, through her healing efforts, Doshin is a different dog. Over these many months under her care he has regained a good deal of the use of his back leg. Last summer, he began to show an interest in romping with some of his doggie friends and that … Read more
Our 14 year old Rottweiler always sounded sort of raspy when she panted, but it was only when she had an acute respiratory attack that she was diagnosed with Laryngeal Paralysis, which meant half her airway was blocked. Our options were basically a tie-back surgery (which had risks) or do nothing and have her lead a sedentary lifestyle (not really an option, either). We decided to try Pranic Healing on her. This approach allowed her to lead an active lifestyle for another two years and avoid the dangerous side-e… Read more
I took the Level 1 Pranic course from Liza Burney in the Spring of 2014. It has been a gift for me and my horses. I use the skills I learned in the course every day! My horses love the energy work and it has allowed me to detect and treat subtle health issues before they developed into problems that would prevent me from riding.
Back in May, my horse was having eye irritation. Lots of mucus, hot to the touch. I physically cleaned it with cool water and tried to ice it. She was less then thrilled to have it fussed with. Then I used Pranic Healing on it. The next morning it was still a tad warm, but had cleared up considerably. What’s interesting to me is after several months the problem as of today has not returned.
After receiving an emotional healing – it was truly amazing – I had the greatest ride on my horse the following day! Completely anxiety-free, pure loving fun! After the ride, I felt like my heart was going to come right out my chest from love and joy; I was just beaming. After cleaning so much junk from my past that has been distorting and tainting what is now, I’m able to tap into some the pure emotions that I used to feel when I was a kid.
Liza Burney of Heart to Heart Healing gave me a Pranic Healing session after my very special horse’s death. After Liza and I discussed some of my concerns and goals, she gave an amazing session including cleaning out meridians. I had been fighting off a cold. I can tell that things have really shifted and I oddly feel lighter. I highly recommend to anyone who is looking for something to treat themselves with a professional Pranic Healing session is better than chocolate and pizza in my book.
Thank you for coming to our barn and sharing your knowledge with us. I practice the energy feeling and healing, and I feel a greater sense of connection to all things. What you teach others is empowering and enlightening. A gift to treasure!
My dog, who is prone to skin conditions, developed yet another ‘hot spot’ on the back of his leg. I noticed it because of the excessive amount of chewing he was doing there. So I decided to try what we learned in class (after I washed and applied topical spray) and did the Pranic Healing on the raw, open patch of skin the evening of the first day. Well, the results were so fast and so complete, when I looked for the injury the morning after, I couldn’t find it anywhere. I actually checked both legs because I though… Read more
I got on my horse the other day, and immediately my right ankle was extremely painful in the stirrup. I used the technique from the Intro class, and within a few minutes, the pain was gone and I could ride effectively, instead of being distracted by the pain. Yea! p.s. and the pain hasn’t come back!
When my 8 year old doberman developed age-related incontinence, he had already been on a medication to minimize leakage for years. The vet suggested increasing the medication dosage, which helped for a while, but then he got worse again. The vet said she couldn’t increase his dosage, as he was maxed out, according to his body weight. So we tried Pranic Healing on him. Within a few weeks of regular treatments, he regained full bladder control and stopped having accidents in the house. He maintained bladder cont… Read more
After three visits to the vet and an 8-day stay at the Humane Society within the first month of getting our new cat, I called Liza out of desperation. No one had an explanation for the cat’s chronic vomiting and subsequent refusal to eat. The vet suggested I return the cat to the Humane Society because she suspected an incurable disease. Liza worked energetically on Stella and the very next day the cat looked alert and began to eat without vomiting! I couldn’t believe how quickly our cat responded! Happily, I write t… Read more
My Saddlebred mare, Rose, had stepped on a spike that went right into the center of her hoof at least an 1”. I immediately started to soak Rose’s hoof 3 times a day and wrapping it to make sure it was kept as clean as possible, about a week later while I was cleaning her foot, something popped out of the hole, I didn’t like the looks of it, since it was tubular looking, I pushed it back into the hole and had the vet out the next day. He looked at it and started to clean it as if it was like an abscess and out popp… Read more
I really enjoyed the Pranic Level I class taught by Liza Burney. She has an open welcoming style that allowed the class to processes the information the way we needed, while also staying on or ahead of schedule. Thanks.
I attended the Animal Healing Intro class this weekend and I loved it. It was too short since I could have stayed all day to learn more. I already have practiced some of the basic cleaning techniques, and I feel different. I feel more at peace – my anxiety level has reduced significantly and that my heart and eyes are more open. One of my horses is hyper sensitive to me and my feelings, and he felt that difference in me as well. I have several horses and multitude of issues and past traumas, and I can’t wait … Read more
Hello, from the Animal Healing Intro class at the horse expo. I’d like you to know that my knee felt much better immediately after you did the (15 minute demo) healing. I rested it for 4 days then resumed light activity. Thanks for the help … went for a ride yesterday without any problem.
I used Pranic healing last week in an emergency situation. We have a 20 yr old feral cat, “Grayson,” who sleeps on our sunporch. He is slightly deaf, snores and is a tough minded former tom. (I tried trapping him for 8 years!) Once neutered, he figured out the cat door and has enjoyed regular meals and a cat bed for the last 3 yrs. Something attacked him and he was seriously injured. No way to catch him or touch him so I tried the distance healing that we learned in the Level I class. No surprise to you,… Read more
Kola is a 15 year old paint gelding. He was diagnosed, by his vet, with degenerative joint disease in his right stifle. He also has other joint issues that make it hard for him to tolerate a hoof trim. This week I spent a few minutes cleaning his joints using Pranic Healing across and down his right hip and leg. Today the horse shoer started on the front, said he was super excited to see the great hoof growth and went to the right hind. As usual, Kola positioned himself for the difficult job of holding up the righ… Read more
One morning, my 100+ lb dog woke up with an extreme fear of stairs. Yes, he was on the top floor, and would not descend to go outside. Not even his breakfast could bring him down. Trembling, drooling, rapid heart rate and panting, he was quite a sight. It took two of us to carry him down the stairs. We thought it was an isolated incident. After it happened two more times, I immediately arranged for some emergency Pranic Healing to deal with this issue. After a week of treatments, he was able to calmly go… Read more
I enjoyed your seminar last month, and plan to take the weekend class later. I had some initial success with my dog, who had been limping from a fall she took 2 months ago. She started prancing around and the limp did not recur for a couple of weeks. Then the man I am dating has COPD and after his acupuncturist cancelled an appointment, I figured I may as well try Pranic Healing on him. Within a day he was breathing easier and didn’t have BP or rapid pulse, so of course he wants me to do it again.
I wanted you to know how wonderful I am feeling after my very first treatment. I went to see my horse directly afterwards. He let me rub and clean his ears (which hadn’t been done in a long time) and he loved it. There was a lot of bonding and I was able to sit still and quiet. He even he came over and nuzzled me and we exchanged breaths. When I got home, my dog was quite calm compared to normal. It’s obvious we’ve been feeding off each others energy. The miracle is I didn’t hate him anymore. Around 11 PM I felt tire… Read more
I have an 11 year old mare who is very athletic, playful, and always up to something! Need I say more. On Sunday afternoon, February 13, 2011, I noticed an open wound on her inside, right hock – almost to the bone and blood was running down her leg! My mare must have clipped the inside of her hock with her front shoe while playing. So I cleaned it up, I wrapped her hock and starting Sunday night, Liza started some energy healing work on her. She worked on that wound on and off all day Monday. By Tuesday mo… Read more
What Pranic Healing has done for me in such a very short time is amazing. My fear of cantering my own horse was becoming debilitating in my mind. I was always afraid my horse would spook, take off while being on a trail ride and I would not be able to handle it. Since going to see Liza, she has performed three sessions for me. In learning how it works, I have found that my issue went a bit deeper than just cantering my horse. It actually was in my confidence of being alone with my horse while cantering. Having learn… Read more
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