
Dog Day Afternoon

Maybe it’s just me, but these things tend to happen mostly on a Sunday night.  Coming home after teaching Advanced Pranic Healing all weekend, before I even got to unpacking and sorting through things, my Rottweiler was obviously in need of assistance.  Apparently he’d been getting progressively sicker all day, vomiting and lethargy.  He was laying there in a pile on the floor.  No enthusiasm.  Eyelids super-droopy.  His body felt heavy, like very low vital energy.  Barely wanting to move.  Read More

Surgical Support – Yes, you can!

Emergency colic surgery. That phrase is enough to strike fear in the hearts of the most experienced equestrian. We can feel so helpless and the situation so far out of our control. The reality, though, is that is only partly true. There is a lot we can do to influence any surgical outcome in a positive way, whether it is a simple dental extraction or a double level anterior interbody cervical fusion. Because everything is energy, we can learn to use the tools of energy healing to support and benefit our horse before, during and after a surgical procedure. Read More

Fear Factor

When I first began working with Keene, and we were still in the “getting to know you” phase, I made the mistake of grabbing a tissue and turning towards him.  Immediately he dashed behind the two upholstered chairs, cowered and looked at me through terrified eyes.  Okay, I thought.  I didn’t get much of a history on Keene, but this was pretty clear fear based behavior.  Read More

Jilly and the Hot Spots

Jilly is a young Golden Retriever who had been receiving conventional treatment for hotspots on her neck, with absolutely no improvement after fourteen days of a topical cream.  So I got to work on her.  I found imbalances in her auric field, meridians and especially the chakra system.  As is often the case with skin disorders, the source of the issue is somewhere other than the surface of the skin.  In Jilly’s case, it seemed like it was a stress-related situation, which was impacting her body’s ability to heal the skin irritation.  In energetic terms, she had an overactive and congested Solar Plexus chakra, which was contributing to an extremely underactive Basic chakra.  The Basic chakra influences the body’s ability to create rapid healing on the cellular level, and when this chakra was underactive, that ability was slowed down almost to a standstill.  This explains a lot about why no healing was happening. Read More

Sit. Stay. Breathe.

Working with dogs for most of my life, I have come to realize that, even though we are so different, we have more in common than I first thought. Take meditation, for example. Much of what was taught in puppy kindergarten directly translates over and informs my meditation practice. Here are some of the things I learned:

1. Start with minimal distraction.  Pick a protected place, where you’ll be able to work with minimal distraction, and set yourself up for success. Read More