
All in a Day’s Work

A woman calls, having just been stung by a hornet. She’s frantic because she is not only allergic to the hornet, but the epinephrine that the ER uses for allergic reactions. 20 minutes later, with just one Pranic Healing session, her breathing is relaxed and swelling under control.

A horse owner, who is out of town on business, calls because she just got a text that her horse is colicing. She can’t get home in time to attend to this. After an emergency Pranic Healing session on the horse’s digestive system, the next text she gets (later that morning) is that the Read More

From a Whisper to a Scream

As equestrians, we want our horses to listen to our whisper. No, we insist that our horses listen to our whisper. Everything about excellence in riding is based on the invisible cue. The rider initiates the request; the well-trained horse listens and immediately responds. But what do we do when the horse doesn’t respond? We need to figure out one of two things: Read More

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

While the idea of healing with invisible energy fields can make some people smirk or feel uncomfortable, in reality, we interact with invisible energies on a daily basis. From the moment we wake up and heat our breakfast in our microwave, check the weather forecast on our cell phone, read our email via wireless internet and listen to the radio on the way to work, we are constantly interacting with invisible energy.

We are also surrounded by naturally-occurring “invisible energy,” which science has “discovered” by developing technology to measure these energies. Of course, these natural Read More

What is Energy Healing?

Let’s break it down:  What is Energy?  What is Healing?

Energy is everything.  Quantum physics tells us that the whole universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns.  That on the subatomic level, the “particles” are connected in some way that transcends time and space.  This is a much different paradigm than the ideas put forth by 17th century Newtonian physics, which has been the foundation for our insistence on seeing ourselves simply as solid objects.

Healing is restoring a living system to balance.       The living system could be the energy of our physical body, our  mental/emotional aspect or the energy of a relationship.  Each has its own unique and optimal flow, that when compromised, can result in the manifestation of disharmony.  This disharmony is called “disease.” Read More


The auric field, or bio-plasmic body, is a field of energy surrounding and interpenetrating the physical body.  Animals have an aura, just like people do.  It contains, supports and protects the rest of the energy anatomy, and provides a strong boundary between the individual’s energy and the rest of the world.